Land For Sale in Colombo

2023-12-12 14:36:17 ( Land Sale ) - Colombo, Colombo 9


Property For Sale.
Bare land 12.3 Perches in extent situated at Colombo 9 in highly residential area for Sale with all amenities, Electricity, Water, Telecommunications and Drainage.
Conveniently located close to Major Schools, Government and Private Hospitals, Government and Private Offices etc. etc.
Walking distance to Major Towns, Maradana, Punchi Borella, Borella, Town Hall, Dematagoda, Baseline etc. etc. WALKING DISTENCE TO NALANDE COLAGE ANANDE COLAGE .GOTHEMI BALIKA minutes walk to these schools 57 lakhs per perch Negosiateble Brooker fee 3%
Contact 070277733510